The Elite Game

My targeting in preparation for The Elite game started when I was living in New Jersey around 2015. It was benign and merely tracking. The targets themselves on my head, felt like insect crawling.

I had had the light targeting since my escape from Europe. Christo Christov kept an eye on me with light targeting. He was still in Switzerland while I was in the United States raising my daughter.

The Elite Game went active three years ago, one year before I was to receive my retirement. That was in 2019. The first year of the Elite Game was a combination of combat, brutality, entertainment, US presidential challenges and world leader challenges.

I had never been an MKULTRA child. I was thrown into every torture program known to mankind in order to attempt to fleece my assets, my foundation, my birthright, my investments and even my marriage rings. I have suffered for my innocence and their racism. I am not black. I am not Asian. I am not white. I am not Hispanic. I am a race that existed alongside the human race for a long time. Call me blue blood if you will. I am proud to be different. I am proud to be my race.

My biological father wants me to be anything but my race. I was not raised with him, in fact, I only met him once in person. I will not give up my rights to my assets nor is anyone, including him, permitted to make decisions on my assets.

The Elite Game was setup by the Rothschilds, those from Squirrel Hill, Pa and the international banking Rothschild’s. They had no right to attempt to claim me as one of their children with a falsified birth certificate. I have a legitimate birth certificate at vital statistics showing George Soros as my biological father and my missing Swiss mother as my biological mother. They are both in the same family lineage and my family lineage has nothing to do with Rothschilds whatsoever. They had no right to run an illegal elite game in my channels and assets, breaking every one of my contracts.

The United Nations started my Elite Game claiming that I was not capable of keeping my seat in Bilderberg. They all lied. I held my seat for thirty years remotely. They also claimed that I was not right in my mind and a danger to society. This was all planned for thirty years to not only steal my Bilderberg seat, but to steal everything I owned, even my soul.

The United Nations, The WEF and multiple corporations and governments came together to push Agenda 2030.

Targeted Individual The Un Thé WEF and Agenda 2030

What exactly is Agenda 2030? Is it The Great Reset we hear about all the time? It is more complex than we think. Here is a list of Agenda 2030 terms to look for; SmartGrowth, SustainableDevelopment, SmartCities, SocialEquity, And Communitarianism.

Attacking me for my assets in a new Bolshevik Revolution to usher in Communitarianism using Five Eyes, Corporations and World and local governments along with intelligence agencies and military. I became a targeted individual over this Elite Game.

Communitarianism is just a nice word for Marxism or Communism. The United Nations Agenda 2030 is all about Communitarianism. Klaus Schwab and The WEF are also on board with Communista philosophies.

My Eastern European family endured and escaped Communism. I would never in my life adhere to the total non-sense of Communitarianism. This is in conjunction with the wealthy hypocrite ls behind such an agenda. Not only are the wealthy hypocrites behind it but they are using targeting to enrich themselves and their children even more. Stealing for any and every reason they can concoct, they will remain the biggest hypocrites in modern history.

Christo Christov escaped Communism and became wanted by Communist Bulgaria for his political stances. He was a Bulgarian political prisoner. As a targeted individual, I am also a political prisoner for my anti-Communist stances and my anti-Communitarian stances. I am seeking asylum in Switzerland but I have yet to hear back from them.

George Soros couldn’t find me and assumed that I was dead. After time, he had nudged Switzerland to issue a death certificate. Switzerland refused to issue a death certificate without a body. I am very much alive.

He hired the United States government to look for me. They normally would use the targeting program in a tracking sense to find individuals, but not this time. Kamala ran a discovery and saw the amount of money involved. She made decisions against contracts that started my Elite Game.

I won my Elite Game. It lasted one year but Kamala Harris reported that I had died and attempted to get the death certificate. She was under the impression that my assets were United States assets. The law in the United States states that if there is no will, then the states confisctes said assets.

She tried to donate my assets through a fake charity on a claim that I was deceased. The charity in question belonged to Harry Davis of Hollywood. This charity was to disperse my assets across 12 families and the rest go to organizations such as the United Nations or third world countries such as Pakistan and Ghana. Some people claimed to be family or to have some association to me to get a part of my assets. Fraud is fraud. I never signed any contracts to disperse my assets nor will I ever. I will see you in international court for fraud. Period.

The problem with their fraud game is that I own all these assets and they are in my birth name. They keep trying to claim the were willed to me with fake wills and fake claims of being a relative to the person they claim willed me the assets.

There is no truth to that at all. The assets are my birthright and investments and purchases made with my birthright interest. They are listed in Switzerland as Swiss assets not United States assets. When asked about donating my assets the answer has always been no. They thought by cutting off my communication they would get away with it. They blocked my emails, my phone calls, and my social media.

The Reiner fraud is the same fraud game they have pulled off over and over. They claimed Deborah Sarah Rothschild was invalid in a home for the mentally challenged based on fraudulent paperwork that kept her at fifteen years old until she died. The Rothschilds would take turns on her assets skipping her. She was their sacrifice and Rothschild rabbit. Reiner claimed to be married to her through a fake marriage certificate and placed her in a secret torture show for the elites to delight in.

When Deborah Sarah Rothschild died also known as Tina Marie Smith, they sought me out as a backup and replacement using her contracts and a prostitute’s dossier. Everyone wants a piece of my action since the Rothschild girl has no more money. Shows over!

The real fraud game began when my first year was over and the Elite Game ended three years ago. The problem is that the elite game never truly ended and it is still ongoing. As long as the Elite Game continues, I hold my seat in Bilderberg and hold all of my assets. Making decisions with other corporate power beasts has become my passion and I just love them all. I consider us a team of co-workers for world change. It has been an amazing experience.

George ordered my death for a prostitutes dossier when he found out I was still alive. He didn’t understand that Kamala’s gang switched dossiers. Bilderberg, at least half of them, were secretly trying to help me. I have been elite since Christo’s adoption at 6 years old. I have had all of my assets my whole life. The UN program prevented me from having my assets during my youth and an agreement was made in the form of a contract that I would receive them at fifty three years old. I still have not received my assets nor my birth identity. Contracts need to be adhered to because presidents have lost their lives for less.

My assets are kept in a private vault in Credit Suisse. My biological father George Soros has made many loans against my assets, but he came to find out that the loans issued against my assets constitute fraud because he has no rights. Making matters worse, he thought that if I were deceased, he would have rights. He is not my heir. My child has rights over him.

Recently, he came in astral to ask if I wanted a relationship with him. I really thought he wanted to get to know me. I am his biological daughter. A year later, he still hasn’t presented himself in the physical for a father daughter relationship. I see just how far he will go to make those bad loans good. Just because I was open to having a relationship still does not give him any rights on my assets. The writing is on the wall. I am nothing special to him and I really don’t know him so it does not matter.

Kamala Harris became my handler in the United States calling me racist names and brutally targeting me with direct energy weapons. She officially sacrificed herself to the Jamie Jordan paradigm which is not my paradigm. She continued to torture me, my family and kill off my friends in order to achieve her sordid lust for glory-or my money. She wants elite status so bad she can taste Jamie Jordan in her mouth.

Here is a recording of her sacrifice via V2K recording. The recording is dated 7-9-22, just a little over a year ago and after Gadaffi received his CIA protections.

Kamala’s sacrifice to Jamie Jordan paradigm which is Obama, his daughters and family, along with BLM, Rothschilds creating their production company with Rob Reiner

We can hear the name Jamie Jordan in all the chatter. Then we can hear her screaming during the sacrifice and she says, “Help, I’m falling.” Then she says towards the end, “All this for a show.”

The production company was hired by the United Nations. I was in one of their programs until seventeen. When they released me, they signed contracts with Christo ensuring that I would never be targeted again by them or placed in any programs thereafter. They broke those contracts with their current targeting, with DARPA and with the Essene Project. The United Nations told the UN liason with the United States to run a test first. They didn’t. They just started the real targeting with a no mercy contract to the death.

They all broke existing contracts to attempt this fraud. The fraud just got deeper the more the coverup was underway. They tried to make me anybody, nobody, and anyone else other than myself-Hannah Bree Soros.

The next phase of the coverup were the false marriages and accusations. They claimed that I had been in a home that closed in 1965 in Lancaster, Pa for the invalid, the mentally challenged, and the diseased.

They also claimed that I was really born a Rothschild and not George’s daughter. This meant that the Rothschilds could have some claim on my assets. The Rothschilds have internal family law that the courts generally abide by. Irregardless, they never came to do a DNA tests nor take me to court for my assets, therefore, all claims by the Rothschilds are fraud. David Rothschild claimed that I was born a boy and was his son. He also claimed that I had had a sex change as an adult. His claims went so far as to say that I was a fake Hannah and involved in the crime. These fraudulent claims with false paperwork have nearly cost me my life. David Rothschild has a really big skeleton closet he wants to keep the doors locked and it is concerning my biological mother. You have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do, Lucy!

The most ironic part of the Rothschild fake birth certificate showing me as a boy and as David Rothschild’s son is that the dead prostitute is really alive. Kamala took her into the witness protection program attempting to use her to gain access to my assets. Stephanie Lee Smith, after an adult life of Rothschild prostitution, became a man to claim my assets with the fake birth certificate. They allow this crazy prostitute who had her breasts removed to target me via the U.S. government from her CIA protection. She now wants to be a woman again and somehow thinks I should suffer for her actions.

Having an abortion in my family is a death sentence literally. I just want to make it clear to all the Soros reading this that I would never take the life of my unborn child, that I have never had an abortion and I still cry over the miscarriages I have had wondering what that child would have been like.

Then came the claims that I have a lesbian wife. Let me just make one thing clear. I am monogamous, straight, and as pure as the vanilla sky. Lesbian is just something I have never been interested in. I honestly love men, their faces, their bodies, their voices and everything about them. Then came the claims that I am a hard drug user. Then came the claims that I am a prostitute with venereal diseases. All of these accusations are the most preposterous claims imaginable and anyone who knows me well knows that those types of accusations are so far fetched as to be in another universe.

Stephanie Lee Smith went missing November, 9th, 2017. She became an elite prostitute for the Rothschilds. She is one of Patrick Sileo’s subs. He is BDSM. Patrick Sileo is international BLM and works for the Obama’s. For my Elite Game, the Rothschilds, the Reiners and Obama/BLM worked together in paradigm Jamie Jordan. My father is on the outside but became more associated with Obama’s paradigm due to Alex Soros. Stephanie had a child and claimed it was Alex Soros baby. Alex wrote a three million dollar loan on my assets to pay her off. Alex also paid Cory Jordan to claim the child is his where he is still paying child support for this child. My question? Where is this mysterious child? Cory hid the auto payments to Pennsylvania child support by keeping all of his pay stubs electronic. I suspected something amiss because I saw his online stubs and payments coming out of his check. One payment was for his retirement plan and the other didn’t have a label. I tried to find out what the non-label payment was. His companies were always nice enough to cover that payment for him.

I worked for Bilderberg breaking up the Yugoslavian mafia in Holland and busting sex trafficking rings that targeted Eastern European women and Russian women. I was fearless and enjoyed the challenge. I still hold my seat and work with Bilderberg every day remotely. I have worked remote since twenty-one years of age. I worked in the capacity of investigating crime. Since my Elite Game began, I have been part of the decision making process and I love every second of it. Bilderberg is a great organization that really has become a think tank for industrializing third world nations, solving the world’s hunger and housing problems, and keeping peace among warring nations.

I am so proud of the job we have been doing at Bilderberg and I love being part of the team. We all want good in the world and work very hard, sometimes 24/7 to implement our ideas for the betterment of humanity everywhere. We are very ecologically conscious and look for new ways work with scientists to help create a feasible hydrogen energy. It burns clean and we have millions of years of supply.

My assets are corporate and really not a place for the US government to be attempting to seize. We deal in 100s of thousands of private accounts. The whole United States criminal activity has not only cost us contracts, but has also created a security breech that will be reciprocated with more lawsuits than God.

George Soros, my biological father, started the Elite Game when I had already had a seat in Bilderberg and had my Elite status. He had no reason to initiate an Elite Game. He claimed that I was not worthy of my status nor my seat and sought to take them from me in any way that he could. He claimed that it was not fair that Alex Soros didn’t have the same chance.

Not only did George setup this wretched game of lies and fraud to sink me for my assets and my status, he allowed families and groups to compete for my status, my assets, and my life. There have never been so many fake Hannah Bree Soros to exist on the Earth.

Obama’s daughters got in in the competition in favor and in conjunction with the United Nations paradigm. The problem with the United Nations getting involved is it breaks their contract with my family.

The Obama’s wanted their daughters to win this fraudulent competition. Obama went so far as to try to divorce me in high marriage from my husband and to marry me to Hannibal Gadaffi.

Obama, through technology, attempted to rape me on six different occasions. I saw him like a ghost in my bedroom so I knew who it was. He was easy to recognize. He used a combination of Soul Catcher program in conjunction with his own Essene Project designed to kill. He was going to win this fake Rothschild contest if it were the last thing he did in this planet.

I was removed from any United Nations programs and seventeen and was never to be placed in another program, whether UN or United States. Both broke contracts over an Elite Game that should’ve never taken place in the first place.

My assets were to be handed to me at fifty-three years old with no stipulations, no Elite Game, no US intelligence programs, no United Nations interference and no attempts at creating fraud in my accounts and brutally attacking me with direct energy weapon with a no mercy hit job to the death from George Soros.

I didn’t even get to receive my retirement. George set out to destroy me for my birthright, my investments, and my companies. He was hell bent on handing all of my assets to Alex, who wanted to give his friends a part.

Together in conjunction with the US government, they devised a scam. I have been cutoff from all communication, all rights to plead my case, all emails blocked and all phone calls blocked to anyone who can help me.

All the cabal families were scheduled to lose their elite status when I received my IDs and my assets.

George’s competitors comprise of my enemies in common ville and my elite enemies. Some of the elite enemies became my enemies because they were my mother’s enemies or Christo’s enemies. That group includes the Pittsburgh Rothschild’s, the Reiners, and the Gadaffis. The common ville enemies consist of Stephanie Lee Smith’s group including Black Lives Matter and Antifa, Christian religious groups and her personal friends.

Her dossier was used instead of mine because my friends and ex boyfriends refused to participate. I have ex boyfriends involved with her dossier because she dated them also. This includes Stephen Forsthoffer, Sean Finnegan, Patrick Sileo and Cory Jordan. This is what is referred to as twinning. My contracts state no twinning past the age of seventeen, therefore, this is considered illegal twinning and breaking elite contracts.

Below is my submitted paradigm for the competition. My paradigm has been accepted and implemented. The others are still competing in this fraudulent competition. George hand picked the competition. He claimed that they are humanity. This group is the furthest from humanity you can possibly imagine. They are not my neighbors. They are not my friends.

With three factions the NWO vision is changed. The old NWO agenda still exists. I got the idea for BRICS long ago because of the Russia China alliance. I saw how they built up Iran into the country it is today. I saw the potential for third world countries to get industrialized the same way. BRICS made a power play which will rip off half of the world from the old NWO agenda. Worse, the globalists got their cue and started a secret third faction that will replace the old NWO agenda.

Rothschild banks and US petrodollar/USA become the sacrifice and the new west NWO takes over the entire west putting down the UN agenda 2030 and the Communist revolution. I love this new paradigm watching my enemies go down.

Here is how the Elite game works from the bottom up.

Android phones are installed with Pegasus spyware. It is undetectable. Pegasus is the creation of an Israeli company. This spyware allows gangstalkers to create a mesh network using Android burner phones.

They hacked into the Serval mesh network and from there were connected into the privately owned Cillium network.

Gangstalkers target from the Android Pegasus network and use targeting equipment to torture anyone they want. Many of these gangstalkers work in the military or are University students and can even be prisoners.

Homeland Security target lists are used to target individuals for their sick torture games using direct energy weapons. They also target to fleece people of their assets, isolate people, make them homeless, or just torture them to death.

Many US agencies are adding in McCarthy style civilian sections. Space Force is a perfect example where a civilian can sign up for Space Force and use the system to engage in criminal activity.

I was first targeted from TSA Homeland Security Civilian division which works in conjunction with DARPA Space Force Civilian divisions. Space Force targets based on the Homeland Security target lists. Anyone who works for either of the civilian divisions can place anyone they hate on the list and have the freedom to target them.

They first install Pegasus spyware on Android burner phones. Using remote TSA scanners from Satellites, their target, which appears on their phone will look something like this.

TSA scanner image

Next via quantum systems, they begin to neurolink your body’s electromagnetic and electric system. They place targets on your body parts in order to torture you, mutilate you, and possibly kill you. It requires a constant electromagnetic field directed into your physical area and geofenced. This changes your electromagnetic signature so that they can interface your body system into their quantum computer systems.

Once the targets are solid, the geo fencing in place and their systems completely locked on, they can then use direct energy weapons; microwaves that burn, maim, and give you Leukemia. microwaves deteriorate your muscle mass. Lasers leave burns and are used in teeth and bones. Electromagnetism and nuclear technology allow for remote removal of your atoms via particle displacement.

Most people can’t survive more than ten years once this heinous targeting takes effect. Most are dead much sooner. It depends on their objective. In my case, it’s an ordered eradication of my race or genocide.

Ruth Pfeiffer, Patrick Sileo’s ex wife, works there now. She was involved in a 2014 child pornography sting at Sileo’s Stanton Avenue address in Pittsburgh. The child was a trafficked child from the Philippines. Sileo claimed her as his daughter.

Here is the information on the Philippines girl. Her name is also Ruth Pfeiffer/Sileo more than likely through adoption.

Pa Sex Offender

Disclaimer: This is an independent investigation into the murder and identity of the Isdal woman. The content within is part of an independent journalistic investigation.

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed within the content are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or its affiliates.

The views expressed within the content contained within the website are not necessarily based on fact but opinion.


  1. Siempre interesante tus notas. Abrazos Hannah.
    Luz (larka56)


    1. Hannahbree says:

      Gracias mucho mi amigo


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