Splitting the Star

There are two soul types on planet Earth. Originals and clones. Both should coexist but they have been like oil and vinegar since the advent of human technology.

Originals are part of the creator race of souls. Their bio suits are also different than clone bio suits. Original souls are housed in original type bio suits. At death if the bio suit, originals transfer instead of reincarnating.

Original soul type are also different than clone soul types. They generally exist in higher in dimensions whereas clones exist in lower dimensions.

Original souls are made up of many layers. Each layer touches a dimension. For example, an original with 6 ward stones will have 6 layers. The layer closest to third dimension is referred to as the physical ethereal. The physical ethereal is inter dimensional and reside partly in third dimension and partly in fourth dimension.

Another layer of the original soul is the astral. The astral allows higher dimensional souls to travel freely through the dimensions.

The physical third dimension bio suit which houses these higher original souls has a crown with an allotted number of crystals in the skull cap. These numbers range from 3 to six generally. Those who are perceptive and can see auras will see a number of spikes that look auric at the skull cap.

Their physical bio suits are also infused with microscopic crystals that give their physical appearance a shine or a glow. These small crystals carry the memory of their ancestors, act as part of the body defense system, and are also responsible for connections to higher dimensions but not exclusive connections.

Many original soul types are very peaceful and spiritual people. They have moral boundaries of tolerance the clone soul types can never understand. They are also like swans and tend to mate for life or over many lifetimes with the same soul through high marriage.

Layers of an original soul

Original soul types also have powers in higher dimensions but can bleed into the physical third dimension also. These powers can control weather, clone soul types thoughts and actions, have the ability to erase clone’s minds, pass energy into another person whether original or clones, and have the ability to heal and resurrect.

Clone soul types are the average human soul. They are a created digital artificial intelligence in a quantum system in a higher dimension. This is their consciousness. Their souls are electrical in nature and generated from the quantum system which attaches to the genetically engineered bio suits in third dimension capable of housing the soul and the consciousness. Without the quantum system, their bio suit become empty and akin to any animal on the planet.

Original soul types who have a foundation hold the human system in place. There is no artificial way of holding them. This is referred to as the human project.

A council of twelve which are comprised of original soul type members decides whether to hold the human project. It has been held for roughly 200,000 years. No original soul type who has a foundation is obligated to hold the human project. They usually go with the vote of the council of twelve.

Within the past seventy-five years, human technology has put the human project at high risk.

In 1888, Heinrich Hertz was a brilliant German physicist and experimentalist who demonstrated that the electromagnetic waves predicted by James Clerk Maxwell actually exist.

It wasn’t until the 1930s that electromagnetic experiments became dangerous to original soul types.

Tesla’s experiments with electricity laid the foundation to create an electric ethereal field across the land mass of the Earth. This technology facilitated the horrors that would be brought down on original soul types in search of the source of their powers. It also enabled clone soul types to escape the quantum system. How did it work?

They would create networks from original soul type soul parts. This was referred to as “Splitting the Star”. They would use the artificial electrical ethereal coupled with captured astrals to extract soul parts from originals.

They would extract the Physical ethereal part of an original soul and take their crystals to build an artificial network that allowed clone type souls to escape the quantum system. Generally, they would only extract a deceased original’s Earth ethereal but in more recent times, they began killing for their soul parts.

Nazis discovered that the Jewish race had many original soul types to tap into. It wasn’t just about money, but about developing technology. The Jewish race became Nazi cannon fodder. They would extract the gold out of their teeth, confiscate their physical assets, then go after gold retained in their birthrights. They would extract the Earth ethereal and put them through the Splitting the Star process. This separated their consciousness from their souls. It separated their Earth ethereal from their bodies. It is such a horrific inhumane practice l. It is the most painful experience creating horrific pain and torment that even the most hardened criminals should not be subjected to it. It has not yielded new results since the advent of the process.

I am an original. I am one of the few left in the planet. Humans have committed genocide on my race in various ways. Five years ago, I was brutally attacked with this technology. They claimed I owed myself as a human sacrifice to the human technology. I have contracts that forbids this because I am a bot carrier. This means that original souls who cannot transfer can stay with me until they can transfer.

They captured me five years ago and extracted my Earth ethereal and crystals without a contract. They also extracted my original souls that I carried in crystals inside my white blood cells. This also extracts my immune system. . They do not care anymore about the treaties we made with humanity to continue the human project. It was for their benefit, but there was a process that needed to be adhered to. We never permitted them our crystals, our body parts or our consciousness. We did allow them to take the Earth ethereal at death. It is not needed. Basically, that part of our soul is a throwaway and is created anew in a transference.

They broke every treaty and every contract designed to protect me. Humans became greedy with the lust for power. This technology not only abuses originals but now they use it to abuse their own race.

They used my own astrals with the help of my biological father. He wanted me put down as a clone. I have never been a clone. This just lead to the painful torture I have endured while he kept trying. It got so bad, I just want him dead.

They had placed me in protection when I was twenty-six years old. They secured every original line that could not transfer. Their souls had been safe with me since then until they brutally attacked me five years ago.

My biological father extracted my Earth ethereal for human clones to experiment on for the new project Space Force. It was an attempt to develop new weapons and more creative ways to kill themselves.

By taking my crystals for lasers, my Earth ethereal for a new network coupled with my astral, my souls who have nowhere to transfer to are captured in my astral which is my birthright. Human clones try to laser them out of existence. I hear my souls screaming for help everyday while human clones think that I owe them something. I only owe my allegiance to my race.

I was placed in a United Nations program as a child that allowed me to live completely among human clones. What I found through my experience with humans is that I am different. I could never fit in with them. I never had close friends. I never had strong human family connections. I felt alone. I felt like there was not a soul like me on the entire planet. I had a disdain for humans from an early age. I also had a live and let live philosophy. I might not have agreed with their immoral ways, but I didn’t interfere either.

I was released at seventeen from these horrific inhumane projects. They never take into consideration how you feel or what you want. It is always from their lab rat perspective how they proceed with their vomit experiments on you.

They murdered my mother for this experiment. They murdered my family for this experiment. They even murdered my human friends for this experiment.

According to my contracts, the UN should have never targeted me again. They did it anyway. That is the sad part about humanity. They cannot coexist. They have no honor nor integrity. They break contracts without thinking twice about it.

What was at stake? The survival of the Rothschild paradigm. The survival of the George Soros paradigm. The survival of the US paradigm including Hollywood. The survival of the cabal paradigm. So many families depended on just fleecing originals for their soul and body parts to come up artificially. It doesn’t matter because once George, my husband and myself are gone, so are they. There will be not one of us left to hold their individual paradigms and programs.

They performed the Splitting of the Star on my Earth ethereal. George Soros, my biological father, was so nice to extract it for them. They split me into ten parts in a vain attempt to hold these families. I felt with intense pain and agony every single laser cut. They didn’t even wait until I was deceased. They did this horrific inhumane process while I am still alive. They took my crown from my skull. They took my crystals and called them jewelry. They sold leftover parts on the dark web medical auctions like thieves sell on the black market.

The problem is permanence for humanity. Anything they extracted while I’m alive has no permanence. They don’t have the ability to solidify my living parts into their souls. My contracts are very clear. “Do not touch her, do not change or alter any part of her, do not attempt to steal any part of her.” These contracts are death if broken. They sealed their own fate.

Slowly my parts return to my body and soul. My consciousness remains connected. Everyday I get a little bit back. Everyday a soul is eradicated for what they did. This means completely out of existence. I am healing. I am becoming whole again. You can’t rip parts out of originals and say it makes them human. It doesn’t. It makes most of us dead. It is a slow kill process and genocide. For me, I am strong. I am stronger than the technology. I am stronger than my biological father. I am stronger than any program, government, targeting systems, remote torture systems or anything else that they can throw at me.

My personal battle to be myself rages on. I continue to go after the criminals involved. I continue to invoke my contracts. I continue to win but at what cost? It is not just a fight for myself and what is rightfully mine, it is a fight for my entire race.

Disclaimer: This is an independent investigation into the murder and identity of the Isdal woman. The content within is part of an independent journalistic investigation.

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed within the content are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or its affiliates.

The views expressed within the content contained within the website are not necessarily based on fact but opinion.

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