When The US Makes Decisions For The West Against The West

Since 911, the United States has not acted in the best interest of the world, but in the best interest of their personal bank accounts. 911 forced preemptive strikes across the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

During the Bush administration, the focus was Iraq. Saddam Hussein was brought down and preemptive strikes killed so many civilians that the entire world was stunned by what the US casually called, “collateral damage”.


England and France both participated in the complete obliteration of Iraq. Europe has always been Allies with the United States as individual countries, but the world scape changed with the European Union. As an entity, they began questioning preemptive strike politics in the 2020s. Iraq’s rich oil resources were the main reason. Bush’s oil wars were the beginning of worldwide civilian misery.

The misery didn’t end with Iraq. The US stretched out it’s ugly claws and dug into Afghanistan where the stories of civilian misery mimicked those of Iraq. We can all contemplate the real reasons behind the attack on Afghanistan but I’m going to give you several real reasons and it wasn’t the boogeyman hiding in a cave.

Strategic location in rapport to Caspian Sea oil and gas, renewal of the opiate production and trade, strategic location in rapport to Russia.

Russia and China also had their eyes on these regions for the exact same reason. In the late 1990’s, Russia and China began investing large sums of money, military equipment, and technology into Iran in preparation of placing the oil pipeline through their country.

This investment in Iran eventually paved the way for BRICS, whose policies were a blueprint of Russia and China’s Iran investment experience. In 2021, China made a 25 year deal with Iran and invested $400 billion supplying China with oil and gas.


Russia in 2022 also agreed to invest 40 billion in Iran’s oil sector. If your country has oil and gas to offer the bigger players, welcome aboard, love BRICS.


In 2023, the US used sanctions against Iran for seizing one million barrels of Iranian oil destined for China. Obviously, the United States remains oblivious to what is happening outside of their world.


Sanctions will become more difficult for the west to enforce on any nation associated with BRICS, especially Iran. China and Russia’s investment is not going to be permitted to fall nor be spoon fed to the dogs of war.

Preemptive strikes were really what I call the oil wars. With oil resources running out, the United States wanted to secure as many oil and gas resources as possible. Caspian Sea oil included countries south of Russia rich in gas mainly but some in oil also. Controlling this region along with the Caspian Sea ports insured the United States a long supply of oil and gas, but at what cost?

The United States lost the Caspian Sea oil wars even though Bush and Obama’s passion, their relentless preemptive strike policies, and their egos refuse to give up on Caspian Sea oil and gas along with all of the oil and gas rich countries surrounding the conduit.

Obama inherited Bush’s preemptive strike oil war policies and expanded three theaters of war to eight, and still could not secure Caspian Sea oil, nor take Iran out of the picture. Iran became the enemy of not only Middle East countries supported by the west, but became the direct enemy of Israel who were planned to get the pipeline on a United States win. It never happened and the promise to Israel was not exactly broken because the war had never been won.

The misery of preemptive strike oil wars now was expanded into 8 different regions.


In the name of fighting terrorism was palatable to the masses, even across Europe. As the European Union solidified and took shape as a world power entity, they began questioning the entire boogeyman propaganda and took a different direction towards climate change. Climate change policies were really the anti-thesis to preemptive strike oil war policies in that climate change policies were designed to curb the need for oil, thereby reducing the need for these draconian and gut wrenching policies against innocent civilians.

Those in the United States who engaged in preemptive strike oil and gas war policies saw the benefits right into their own bank accounts. Since when do politicians become wealthy in a politician salary? They don’t. Not only did Gadaffi’s gold disappear but so did Hussen’s wealth.

I call it blood money because of the amount of civilian life lost for these fleecing policies of wealth and resources.

Fast forward to 2023. The current theater of war is the Ukraine. The Ukraine has become symbolic of the preemptive strike oil and gas war policies because the Ukraine border is rich in gas wells or purported to be. The reality is that the gas wells in question are 85 percent depleted. On thé surface, investing in what looks like a border dispute with Russia isn’t justified.

Since 2014, the Ukraine has become another Afghanistan quagmire. If the border could be secured, it would benefit in and only as a strategic point against Russia. The pipe dream of Caspian Sea oil supply and routes has to be scrutinized realistically and not the fantasy that exists. It is this fantasy that is depleting the west of their resources but monetary and military.

This quagmire has also depleted Russia’s resources but worse, Putin’s mental state should be questioned. Putin has focused on the immorality of the west so much in propaganda not only within his own country, but also in China and across BRICS nations and future nations. It has become so bad that ordinary Russians support taking Alaska to save Alaskans from immorality.

Within the borders of Russia, homosexuality is outlawed. Within the borders of China, it is not outlawed but socially frowned upon to the point that if you are found out to be a homosexual, you will have no social score thus no job and no life.

I have fought for homosexuals rights to be themselves and not be docked in society for being an individual with rights. I see how detrimental and divisive the immorality strategy is when using propaganda to demonize the west. It is a dangerous game.

This type of divisive propaganda sets the stage for the next world war. No one on the Russian side or the Chinese side would argue when a war is for the purpose of restoring morality in the west.

Thé use of preemptive strike policies is considered immoral in Russia and China because of the collateral damage or the human civilian cost in innocent lives.

The Ukraine is currently supported by NATO and the west as it should be. It is a western nation and solidarity in the west is a must. The west at this point has a moral obligation to the Ukraine because they were pivotal in allowing the quagmire to begin in the first place.

Preemptive strike policies created the quagmire and there are only 2 ways out. One is a world war and the other are peace negotiations. Which path will be taken still remains to be seen.

I see the west recently looking for ways out of the Ukraine. Recently at the WEF forum, Zelensky found himself roaming around looking lost and feeling snubbed. In Canada, Zelensky and Canada both embarrassed themselves by celebrating a wanted Nazi war criminal as a Ukrainian war hero. The writing is on the wall. The west wants out.

The United Nations policies of wealth redistribution will more than likely not come to fruition given that BRICS will be the path taken towards wealth redistribution as opposed to fleecing the wealthy and the elite and sending their assets to third world countries. Policies designed to integrate such as bringing large amounts of refugees and immigrants into the west will eventually fizzle out as opportunities are created in BRICS countries.

Agenda 2030 is admirable but not feasible in that human nature wants private ownership, human nature wants security and human nature wants to work for it. Responsible Capitalism in conjunction with Socialism is the format which works the best in conjunction with human nature. Otherwise, the United Nations would be blind sided by a revolution in the making of proportions that they never fathomed possible.

Given the current state of world politics and the new bipolar paradigm, the United Nations should consider taking a stance of neutrality to remain relevant. The same applies for the WHO.

Other works organizations such as the WEF, thé World Bank, and Bilderberg will remain strictly west.

After the fall of the Rothschild Rockefeller banking system with their sixteen central banks, the World bank and the IMF will be poised to take over the Western banking system starting with a 30 percent gold backed bitcoin system and eventually moving into full takeover of all central banks in the west.

BRICS is already planning a takeover of the Eastern portion of the banking system. My advice for westerners, if you have assets in the East, liquidate immediately.

In theory, Corporations could stay above the fray and act as a neutral entity in the business world, but that is in theory. The reality will be far different as the west confiscates Russian assets first then eventually goes after Chinese and all BRICS nations assets in the west. This will make it impossible for corporations to conduct business on both sides of the aisle. Corporations need to start planning now.

When Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States act unilaterally without consult for the rest of the western nations and do it repeatedly without consequences, it is time for Europe, Canada, Australia, Israel and Japan to take a stance against preemptive strike, asset and resource fleecing policies that put the entire west at jeopardy.

BRICS is a symptom and the anti-thesis to western policies that have been so blatant, out of control, and unilateral outside of most of the western bloc, that it is time for the entire western bloc to solidify and unite a cohesive power outside of the United States.

Barack Obama along with the rest of the United States cabal attempts to stay relavent by putting policies forth via the United Nations that are not reflective of western mentality in general. The west as it is defined in 2023 is Capitalist mixed with Socialism. Europe and Canada’s version includes more socialism that the United State’s versions. None the less, it is the paradigm that will persist in the west.

Communitarianism will not work for the west and it is a cabal dream that the United Nations should not be supporting against other western bloc nations. Communitarianism is the only way the Rothschild banks can remain in tact and stay relavent in the new western paradigm. Unfortunately, Europe and other western nations are finding their voice of dissent in favor of a more fair paradigm for all western countries, taking back power from the United States using preemptive strike policies and fleecing policies as good reasoning.

The west needs to discuss how to use socialism at their disposal to conquer issues such as homelessness. There is no reason one single person needs to be homeless and on the streets. Cutting military spending in favor of more money towards social programs is the answer. People are already inundated with taxes and are not likely to accept new taxes for more social programs that do not seem to be working on the surface.

By following these steps, the United States will become more cohesive in the western bloc with western bloc nations. The United States should not be a sacrificial lamb to the old policies of the west, but be given as much of a chance within the confines of the western bloc as all western bloc nations.

The western bloc will no longer take part in preemptive strike policies using NATO. This is a given and only a matter of time before NATO refuses to take action in eastern bloc countries. The answer is simple to the question. It is to avert another world war.

I am proud to be a citizen of the western bloc nations. I am proud that we stand for an individual’s right to be themselves, no matter what that looks like. Judge us an call it immorality, that just stays at eastern bloc nations judgement and not part of western reality. We are proud that homosexuals and transsexuals along with women and minorities have rights and we will always fight for their rights of free expression as an individual. It is part of who we are as a cohesive conscience that makes us western.

On the same token as we ask for respect for our philosophies we should give the eastern bloc respect for how they conduct themselves internally. Morality for them is different than for us. Fundamentally, in spite of our differences, we are all part of one human family.

Donald Trump accused Obama of creating Isis. Isis wreaks ha ok all over the Middle East affecting local people’s from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Isis is a jihadist invader terrorist group that moves in like a private military where ever preemptive strike policies exist.


Obama started the Ukraine quagmire in 2014. Obama looked at the Ukraine as not only a good source for gas, but a strategic location for the Caspian Sea pipe dream.

In 2023, Wagner Group could not sustain as a private Russian military because Russia shot down the head of Wagner Group’s plane killing Yevgeny Prigozhin. Wagner group started a rebellion against Russia on June 23, 2023. Wagner Group looked defunct and defeated but reports are they are on the front lines of the Ukraine fighting on the side of the Ukraine.


The attack on Israel happened on October 7, 2023. Hamas brutally murdered 1000 Israelis, including women and children. Babies were found beheaded and burnt alive in the Kibbutz close to the Gaza border.

After Wagner Group suffered a serious blow, I envisioned them heading to Africa to regroup. I am now suspecting they went to Iran to regroup. Former president of Ukraine Poroshenko stated publicly that Wagner Group was involved in the attacks against Israel.

I could’ve predicted Wagner’s movement myself supported by insiders within the U.S. that just got busted for harboring Iranian spies high up in the U.S. government. The program is a nuclear cooperation and a medical cooperation between the U.S. Iran and Russia involving other countries in the network. This network allowed factions in the U.S. government to mobilize Wagner Group fairly quickly. The network is The Iran Experts Initiative setup by Obama to give Iran nuclear information, build a reactor using U.S. assets and knowledge, and create a network to ship nuclear isotopes to Russia for production into nuclear rods.

I suspect thé location of this underground facility is in the Altai mountains in Russia 4 kilometers west of the abandoned airport and 20 kilometers to the Kazakhstan border. This facility also has direct links to the NIH as the Iran Experts Initiative was also used to send DNA, medical and experimental data back and forth through the network.

Wagner Group being Hamas attack on Israel

Soros and Obama are grouping together as many resources as possible to fight on the front lines of the Ukrainian Russian war.

Obama’s purported Isis is now fighting on the front lines along with Wagner group’s couple of hundred soldiers who defected to the Ukraine.

ISIS spotted in the Ukraine

Several videos seem to support ISIS troops brought in to fight in the Ukraine side. I am the biggest skeptic alive so I always side with seems or purported.

Video purportedly show Isis support in Ukraine

Here is another from British newspaper “The Sun” showing video claiming Isis fighters in “unknown” location in Ukraine. The unknown location is what bothers me about this video but the video is undeniable evidence of ISIS…somewhere.

Isis fighters

I’m not opposed to hiring mercenaries but ISIS mercenaries are probably too much for most people to digest. We have been supposedly fighting against this group and then we suddenly hire them to fight on our side. It just doesn’t make logical sense unless they were already secret troops designed to create chaos in preemptive strike territories. The Ukraine could apply.

The Russian propaganda machine has been churning this out so I tread lightly when it comes to who the mercenary troops are. I simply provide the evidence I find with no affiliation to anything Russian. I’m as western as you can get.

No one can argue that both sides of this war are recruiting irregular forces. Mercenary laws apply but seem to vent end to end to include these hired mercenaries on the front line.


Disclaimer: This is an independent investigation into the murder and identity of the Isdal woman. The content within is part of an independent journalistic investigation.

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed within the content are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or its affiliates.

The views expressed within the content contained within the website are not necessarily based on fact but opinion.

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